Malagouzia from Northern Greece. And just by listening to it, something feels different. It is not that Malagouzias from the rest of Greece lack in any way. But for some reason, the northern ones seem to have something different.
For the moment, you know them mainly for their Refosco, which has dedicated fans in Greece and abroad. You probably would also know them for their Malagouzia if it was not pre-sold every year in high-class restaurants, mainly overseas. We managed to steal some of the exceptional, small production Malagouzia 2021 of Adam Wines! It was not easy.
The boutique winery in the homonymous village of Adam Thessaloniki handles the most beloved Greek variety with passion and mastery. It is favored by the good climate, the cool breezes of the mountain, and the shale terrain of the area. The goal of Dimitris Mastorgiannis and Nikos Asteriadis is to enclose in each bottle the typical features of the variety, as well as the details of the terroir and each vintage. With the low yield and the endless work on the vineyard as their main tools, they manage to produce wines that bring out character and personality.
Malagouzia 2024 of Adam Wines is a typical Malagouzia from the North, as they like to say. Having experienced cold winters and relatively cool summers prepare for accented acidity and botanical character but without losing its tropical substance.
In other words, get ready for great love!